ASHLEY ARMSTRONG's PERSONAL YEAR "1993" Temporary #11. A period of the unexpected, surprises, decisions which require immediate action. A time to balance harmony against the potential consequences of any actions. A period of insight, intuition, brainstorms, instant realizations and solutions, sudden inspiration and resulting creativity. Possible recognition for some achievement, notice, fame, limelight. Not only fast but balanced and wise thinking required. A charged and exciting period involving higher, universal realities. ASHLEY ARMSTRONG's PERSONAL YEAR "1993" CHART #11 Rules the year. September 1993 October November [ December 1993 = Action month = Decisions ] January February { March 1994 = Peak month = Major Event } April May [ June 1994 = Action month = Decisions ] July August September 1994 "[ ]" = best months for ACTION in terms of #11. "{ }" = month when #11 influence is strongest. # # # # # # # # # ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ———————————————————— DEMO ———————————————————— ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— PERSONAL DAY Not Available in this demo PERSONAL MONTH Not Available in this demo The full-function version of WAKEN™ is: • $39.95 U.S. (check or money order) • To print out an order form see "About WAKEN™..." under the Apple Menu. ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— —————————————————— About PRIME™ —————————————————— ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— OTHERLOBE™ also publishes a more elaborate Numerology program called PRIME™: PRIME™ is modeled on some of the more arcane theories of Pythagoras. It is divided into two sections, Personal Numbers and Applications. Personal Numbers includes: • Alpha-Numerics — potential strengths & weaknesses. • Personal Eras & Personal Challenges — the #'s that influence the four "sections" of a Subject's life and the challenges or "missions" presented in each. • Personal Years, Months & Days — temporary #'s that influence the world around a Subject during these periods (essentially the same as the Temporary # readings in WAKEN™.) • Predictions — what to expect in any future year, divided into trimesters. The Applications section is divided into: • Mates & Partners — analyzes the potential harmonies and conflicts that can affect relationships (romantic, business, teams, etc.) • Choosing Names — helps in choosing a Numerologically desirable name for anything from babies to boats. • Addresses — analyzes the character of a place. PRIME™ features: • voluminous reports that can be saved to disk and edited with a word-processor. • "sets" of names (celebrities, family members, friends, colleagues, etc.). • exhaustive on-line help. • complete manual with background on Numerology and tips on how to approach the readings. There is an example from a typical PRIME™ session accompanying this program called "Jack Nicholson, July 14, 93". Open the file with WAKEN™ and have a look. PRIME™ Version 2.1 • $79.95 U.S. (check or money order) • Mail to: OTHERLOBE™ 374 Delaware Avenue Toronto, Ontario, Canada M6H 2T8